Serve With Us
Everyone has a talent for something!
All of our abilities come from God, and together we can use those abilities to shine and make a difference. We have many opportunities to use our God-given talents to support our church and community. Please call the church office at 630-323-0384 for more information on joining any of our service groups.
Care Ministry
Zion's Care Ministry is an organized effort by church members to reach out to those who may be in need of help. Care may come in the form of a meal for someone who is housebound, a ride to a doctor appointment, a gas or food gift card, or a prayer chain.
Comfort Project
Our cuddly Comfort Critters Project is for young patients at Hinsdale Hospital. New, 8 to 10-inch stuffed animals can be left in a basket in the gathering area of the church. This is an ongoing project, and donations are always welcome!
Music Ministry
The purpose of Zion's Music Ministry is to support the Pastor's sermon, lead the congregation in praising and worshiping God, and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song. We offer a blend of traditional and contemporary songs and musical arrangements.
Our choir enthusiastically sings traditional hymns and liturgy accompanied by a Berghaus organ. Made up of congregation members, the choir leads the people of God in joyful worship. If you would like to join the choir, please call the church office.
Music Team
If you like to sing more upbeat Christian songs, then our music team is for you. Accompanied by piano, guitar and various brass and percussion instruments, the congregation is lifted up by the contemporary music.
Bell Choir
Our Bell Choir is a fun and rewarding opportunity to play music in a group. Bells are very easy to play and learn for all ages and experience levels. The Bell Choir plays a variety of musical pieces during worship services at various times during the year.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a ministry of quiet service. They are responsible for the care of the altar, vestments, vessels, and linens. Altar Guild members set the Lord's Table and prepare the sanctuary for worship and clean up afterward. They frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary with flowers.
Ladies Guild
Ladies Guild is a group of women who meet once a month from September through May. They are a service organization who work on different projects for the church and community by way of fundraising and volunteers.
Zion Knitterz
This group of talented ladies knits lap-robes and prayer shawls. Once finished, they are donated to Vitas Healthcare for use by their hospice, palliative or comfort care patients. Pastor Klein may also deliver them when he calls on those in the hospital or housebound.
Lutheran Church Charities
Share the Mercy, Compassion, Presence, and Proclamation of Jesus Christ to those who are suffering and in need.
Lutheran Church Charities, is a nonprofit, human care ministry of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Providing support through Crisis and Disaster Response, K-9 Ministries, and Word Study.
Lutheran Women's Missionary League
The mission of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League, is to assist each woman in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.
Currently, Zion's Lutheran Women's Missionary League meets three times a year on the fourth Thursday of January, April, and October.
On-Going LWML Projects
All items may be brought to the church.
Eyeglasses for the visually impaired
Used Postage Stamps - (must have a ¼ inch of envelope all the way around the stamp)
Hygiene Kits for the homeless
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste
- Hand towels
- Washcloths
- Small packets of Kleenex
- Shampoo
- Deodorant
Lutheran World Relief Kits
- Hand towels (dark color recommended)
- Washcloths (dark color recommended)
- Adult size toothbrushes
- New bars of soap (4.5 oz in original wrapping)
- Sturdy combs
- Metal nail files & clippers
- Band-aids (½ to ¾ inch)