Fly -Away Wednesday
Africa was one of the countries that the children explored. After "flying" to Africa, they made binoculars. We used our binoculars on a safari and learned what animals live in the Serengeti. We also learned that beading is an important ritual in Africa. Beads are used to express thoughts or feeling. Different patterns of beads are used to show happiness, friendship, and sadness. The children made bracelets that shared the message "I am happy today." This activity was aligned with the following Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards:
Language Arts
- 1.A.ECa: Understand that pictures and symbols have meaning and that print carries a message.
- 8.B.ECa: Recognize, duplicate and extend simple patterns, such as sequences of sounds, shapes, and colors.
Physical Development and Health
- 19.A.ECb: Engage in active play using fine motor skills.
Fine Arts
- 25.A.ECd: Visual Arts: Investigate the elements of visual arts.
- 25.B.ECa: Describe or respond to their own creative work or the creative work of others.
- 26.A.ECd: Visual Arts: Participate in the visual arts.
- 26.B.ECa: Use creative arts as an avenue for self-expression.